Posted: September 15, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
In YuJa, content creators can share their media with users inside and outside of the Video Platform using video Sharing, Publishing and Direct Links.
Posted: July 14, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
YuJa user-Level Analytics provides useful information about how a specific user is engaging with the published content. This information can help faculty to better understand how specific users are engaging with course content.
Posted: June 16, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Delete the entire Word at once, You can delete an entire word by holding the Ctrl key along with Backspace to speed up your work. Smart Lookup, you can quickly search the web from inside Word. Get information about a word, such as its definition, the word’s origin, pronunciation, and much more. Just right-click on a word > Smart Lookup.
Posted: May 12, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Users can upload files by using Manage Media in YuJa application. Uploaded files may be auto captioned and accessed in the same way as a file created using the YuJa Software Capture application.
Posted: April 21, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
As an instructor, you must always verify the links in your course. You can check these links using the course link validator, which searches through course content and returns invalid or unresponsive course content links in both published and unpublished content.
Posted: March 27, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT
Canvas does not have a dedicated Recycle bin to show you the deleted items. However, Canvas, deleted pages, files, and announcements can be seen and/or recovered by typing "/undelete" after your course URL.
Posted: February 9, 2023 12:00:00 AM CST
Faculty: If you are asking students to upload a YuJa video to their Canvas assignment, please share this short video tutorial with your students. Hint for Everyone: Always check out the video tutorials in YuJa under Shared > YuJa Training.
Posted: January 26, 2023 12:00:00 AM CST
Good News! Qualtrics “File Upload" Question feature is now available!! The “file upload question” feature allows respondents to upload a file along with their other responses. Using the file upload, you can collect data that may not be available through standard survey questions.
Posted: November 2, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
Content Creators and Administrators can share their media with users inside and outside of the Video Platform using video Sharing, Publishing and Direct Links. Watch this video to learn. (2 min)
Posted: October 3, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
YuJa is our new Video platform that allows faculty to record, upload and share videos for students. It is integrated right into Canvas and will be replacing VidGrid over the current academic year.
Posted: July 11, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
The polling feature in the Zoom app allows you to create single choice or multiple choice polling questions for your meetings. You will be able to launch the poll during your meeting and gather the responses from your participants. You also have the ability to download a report of polling after the meeting.
Posted: June 23, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
You don’t have to be an expert to build and distribute an effective online survey, but by checking your survey against tried-and-tested benchmarks, you can help ensure you are collecting the best data possible.
Posted: May 3, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
The Canvas Gradebook feature in Course Evaluation & Surveys (CES) provides the ability to assign a specific number of points to the students who have completed the survey.
Posted: April 25, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
New Feature – January 2022 Canvas allows you to expand or collapse the Course Navigation menu throughout your courses.
Posted: April 18, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
Undoubtedly the simplest benefit of OneDrive is having a secure private cloud-based folder, to store everything you need, which you can access from any device. In addition, you can set sharing and editing rights at either folder or document level, meaning you can start collaborating with colleagues either inside or outside your organization. You can stop attaching documents to emails and simply work on cloud-shared files instead.
Posted: March 25, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT
The co-host feature allows the host to share hosting privileges with another user.
Posted: February 11, 2022 12:00:00 AM CST
You don’t have to be an expert to create a survey, but by following a few survey best practices you can make sure you are collecting the best data possible. When you don’t have hours to devote to becoming a survey-creation guru, a quick guide to the essentials is a great way to get started.
Posted: February 8, 2022 12:00:00 AM CST
OneDrive and SharePoint are superior online data sharing and collaborative work environment. Here are some of the reasons you should use these platforms.
Posted: December 10, 2021 12:00:00 AM CST
Cloud drive services are becoming widely popular nowadays. Microsoft OneDrive lets you save files and folders securely online and access them from any device, virtually anywhere. From backing up files to sharing and collaborating, OneDrive has a lot of features for home, school and work.
Posted: September 27, 2021 12:00:00 AM CDT
Short URLs are easier to use for sharing content. Think about it, if you have a long and confusing URL, it is going to look weird when shared across social media or emails.